Online currency converter

Convenient currency converter using the rates of the ECB, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and other central banks

Online currency converter

We present to your attention a convenient online currency converter for converting at the rates of the ECB, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and other central banks.

Currency Converter

A currency converter is a tool that performs a mathematical calculation to obtain the value of the transfer amount from one currency to another, taking into account the rates of these currencies in relation to each other, or in relation to an intermediate currency.

Exchange rate:

You give:  
You get:

Amount to convert:

Amount to be received:

ECB exchange rates:
AUD:  0.6285 $          
BCH:336.6264 $ 0.11   
BGN:  0.5534 $ -0.01   
BNB:307.4016 $ -0.11   
BRL:  0.1737 $          
CAD:  0.6974 $          
CHF:  1.1341 $          
CNY:  0.1379 $          
CZK:  0.0433 $          
DKK:  0.1451 $          
DOGE:  0.1899 $          
EUR:  1.0824 $          
GBP:  1.2938 $          
HKD:  0.1286 $          
HRK:  0.1436 $          
HUF:  0.0027 $          
IDR:  0.0001 $          
ILS:  0.2703 $          
INR:  0.0117 $          
ISK:  0.0075 $          
JPY:  0.0067 $          
KRW:  0.0007 $          
LTC: 93.2704 $ 0.11   
MXN:  0.0496 $          
MYR:  0.2255 $          
NOK:  0.0951 $          
NZD:  0.5725 $          
PHP:  0.0174 $          
PLN:  0.2592 $          
RON:  0.2175 $          
RUB:  0.0117 $          
SEK:  0.0988 $          
SGD:  0.7475 $          
SOL:144.6519 $ -0.03   
THB:  0.0295 $          
TRX:  0.2280 $          
TRY:  0.0263 $          
UAH:  0.2370 $          
XRP:  2.4355 $          
ZAR:  0.0552 $